Top Cases 2021 brochure now published
This year's "Case of the Year" winner is Dr. Shaheen Dixon from Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital (UK) for an ablation case of a solitary lesion in the liver dome with an inferior-to-superior oblique trajectory using a non transthoracic approach. Quality Ablation with CAS-One IR helped increase the accuracy of the needle placement and safety for the patient during the procedure. Congratulations to the winner and thanks to all teams submitting cases.
The submissions to our Top Cases Blog have been more divers than ever. The top cases 2021 feature treatments of liver, kidney, esophagus and spine. The different treatment modalities used for the Top Cases 2021 represent the preferences of our customers in their hospitals, ranging from radiofrequency ablation (RFA), to microwave ablation (MWA), cryoablation and irreversible electroporation (IRE).
Not only do the cases give a vivid overview of the challenges and options in interventional oncology today, they also showcase the trust customers from Belgium, Germany, India, Israel, Sweden and Switzerland put into our technology. In fact very often local treatments are today part of a comprehensive treatment strategy for the patient bearing striking evidence of the efficiency of ablation treatments and their growing acknowledgement.
From all blog submissions we have received in 2021 we compiled a "Top Cases 2021" booklet. It's available in the download section as an interactive pdf with links from the table of contents to the respective cases.