CAScination expands Asian presence to Taiwan
“After setting up our first installation in India last year we are proud to announce that CAScination has successfully completed the product registration for Taiwan. Together with our partner CHC, who is based in Taipei, we are looking forward to introducing our innovative stereotactic navigation technology for tumor ablation in Taiwan”, says Frank Koall, Chief Commercial Officer at CAScination.
CAS-One IR is a navigation system for minimally invasive treatment of cancer tumors in the liver, lung, kidney, pancreas and bones which provides at the end of the procedure clarity on the success. For patients, as well as for practitioners, the gentle treatment with CAScination technology offers some crucial benefits: Image fusion capabilities enlarge treatment planning and provide a quality control directly after the ablation, aiming to reduce the amount of local recurrences. Compared to conventional surgery, the post-operative stay in hospital is shorter and recovery is faster.
Minimally invasive liver tumor ablation is already standard of care in Switzerland and Sweden and will now also be introduced to Taiwan through CHC Healthcare Group. The company, founded in 1977, is well established and specializes in the sale, maintenance, and lease of medical equipment and medicines. It offers a wide range of equipment in the areas of radiation oncology, neuroscience, medical imaging, surgery, and ophthalmology, as well as providing medical equipment consultations for hospitals and clinics.
Ablation treatment of liver tumors is trending in Taiwan. The crude mortality rate of HCC is around 30.21 per 100,000 person/years, which is the first and second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in both men and women. In 2016 the Taiwan Liver Cancer Association and the Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan agreed on guidelines to help clinical physicians to better manage patients with HCC and provide the optimal therapeutic treatment for them, including ablation therapy.
CAScination AG is an award-winning medical technology company dedicated to development, manufacturing and commercialization of innovations in computer-assisted and image-guided surgery. Our trailblazing navigation systems and surgical robots are designed to improve outcomes for patients undergoing surgical or interventional procedures and offer new perspectives to patients worldwide. Our CAS-One planning and navigation system is used to treat patients suffering from soft tissue cancer (e.g., liver cancer) by many hospitals across Europe, and we are developing further applications in a number of disease areas.
More about CHC Healthcare Group Ltd.
CAScination AG
Steigerhubelstrasse 3
CH-3008 Bern
Fon + 41 (0) 31 552 0440
20190606 Product Registration Taiwan EN.pdf
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