A highly angulated trajectory for a liver dome lesion on the capsule and adjacent to the diaphragm

A highly angulated trajectory for a liver dome lesion on the capsule and adjacent to the diaphragm


A 76-year-old man with colorectal cancer and a history of both resection and ablation of liver metastasis presented with 2 CRLMs (Segment V, Segment VIII). Due to the highly challenging location (subcapsular, highly angulated trajectory, adjacent to the diaphragm) of one of the lesions, MWA using CAS-One IR was used to treat the patient. The planning module and the fixed arm of CAS-One IR enabled an effective treatment so close to a critical structure. 10mm margin was achieved on a follow up scan and no intraprocedural complications were reported. 

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Planning scan in MPR view with vessel segmentation and planned trajectory on the more challenging lesion visible 

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Planning scan in the 3D reconstructed view of the segmented liver vasculature. Predictive ablation zone was moved to avoid the lung 

Planning scan video in the 3D reconstructed view of the segmented liver vasculature. Predictive ablation zone was moved to avoid the lung 
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Needle verification scan showing 6mm lateral error, due to the challenging position of this trajectory, only the depth was adjusted

Name: Daniel Østergaard & Åsmund Avdem Fretland

Institution: Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet 

Patient sex, age:  Male, 76 year old 

Initial condition:

  • Patient diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2019
  • Patient previously underwent partial resection and ablation of liver metastasis
  • On a recent CT scan, also confirmed by MRI, two new liver lesions discovered in segment V and VIII
  • The liver dome lesion in segment VIII, directly on the capsule, presented a significant challenge due to the trajectory needed to reach it, and the proximity to the diaphragm
  • It was decided to using CAS-One IR to effectively, confidently, and quickly reach this challenging lesion as well as the one in segment V


  • Two single trajectories were planned and executed 
  • Planned ablation zone was manually moved in the CAS-One IR software to manage the proximity to the diaphragm
  • The procedure was performed under general anesthesia
  • During accuracy-critical phases, a apnea was performed to minimize the risk of movement 
  • Needle verification scan showed minimal lateral error, but a need for depth adjustment 
  • After adjusting the depth of the needle, ablation was performed with the Medtronic Emprint HP generator and a 15cm needle 


  • The lesion was successfully treated with stereotactic microwave ablation with sufficient ablation margins 
  • No intraprocedural complications were observed
  • A 6-month follow up scan is planned 

Learn more about the Quality Ablation with CAS-One IR.

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