The ablation aficionados guide to CIRSE 2024

CIRSE is a large, comprehensive 4.5 day event. While topics covering Interventional Oncology are not typically the main focus, they are still very present. The CAS-One IR team will also be very present, and we highlight below, what we believe is most relevant for ablation aficionados.

CIRSE 2024 Lisbon Portugal-Thumbnail

In our heavily-biased opinion, the most exciting event at CIRSE 2024 is the launch of CAS-One IR 4.2 software. This new release brings many new things, but the major features are a lesion-based workflow, enhanced multi-needle capabilities, a reablation workflow, and an even more powerful AI-Driven AblaSure. You can see our landing page for more details

retreatment workflow
lesion centric

At our booth you can see the new software, and also take part in this year’s CAS-One IR AI Challenge. In the first edition, we had over 45 participants from 11 countries, over 5 congresses. The overall winner was Dr. Ádám Zoltán Farkas (Budapest, HU), who now has helped designed this years challenge. Come by and compete for a prize.

ECIO CAS ONE Challenge 2024
WhatsApp Image 2024-08-22 at 09.43.50
WhatsApp Image 2024-08-22 at 09.41.39


SPHAIRE is a new addition this year to the scientific agenda. A separate stage to speak about all things AI. CAS-One IR’s industry leading AI technology has been accepted for a podium presentation.


On Monday Sept. 16th, we are hosting our own scientific dinner and after party. At the beautiful Monte Mar restaurant, we have 3 speakers highlighting Kidney Ablation with CAS-One IR, the need for AI-Driven AblaSure, and other topics.

Lisbon-CIRSE   Lisbon-CIRSE-2

Three posters featuring CAS-One IR have also been accepted, including the first experience from over 100 tumors treated at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas:

P-768 - Stereotactic navigated electrochemotherapy for a treatment of a non-resectable/non-thermal treatable liver metastasis - M. Doppler (Freiburg, DE)

P-434 / Initial experience from stereotactic thermal ablation for liver tumors in a large academic center in the United States - I.Paolucci / B. Odisio (Houston, USA) 

P-745 / Microwave ablation of a HCC in a challenging location adjacent to the portal vein and inferior vena cava - V. Mayr  (Regensburg, DE) 

Finally, we will participate in one of the hands-on session, also indicated in the day-by day ablation-aficionado’s scientific agenda.

Now, for the complete scientific highlights:

Saturday September 14th

FS 123 – HCC: open questions 10:00–11:00 Auditorium 8

123.1 / BCLC or no BCLC? - A. Vitale

123.2 / When to stop downstaging HCC to transplant - E. Bozzi

FS 133 – HCC: when one therapy is not enough 11:30–12:30 Room 5.A

133.2 / Ablation plus TACE: are we ready for standardization? - M. Burgmans

WS 163 – Reliability in percutaneous tumour ablation 16:15–17:15 Room 5.B

163.2 / Predictive software for percutaneous ablations - B. Odisio

SP 177 – Ablation of kidney tumors: techniques and outcomes 17:30–18:30 Room 3.B

177.1 / SAFE final results: prospective evaluation of robotic-assisted percutaneous abdominal thermal ablation - B. Bonnet

177.2 / Thermal ablation of renal tumors: a first robotic-assisted series - C. Pernet

177.3 / A retrospective analysis of achieving "Trifecta" outcomes in percutaneous cryoablation of T1b renal masses in 50 patients. A 4 year single center experience - E. Petsatodis

177.4 / MulticentRe rEal World outcomes of IrReversible Electroporation for small kiDney cancers (REWIRED) - V. Chan

177.5 / Comparison between microwave vs. radiofrequency ablation for small renal masses: perioperative and oncological outcomes - C. Pizzi

177.6 / Outcomes of renal function following thermal ablation of renal cell carcinoma -M. Moreton-Smith

177.7 / Percutaneous microwave ablation of complex cystic renal masses- R. Arellano


Sunday September 15th

CEC 212 – Cholangiocarcinoma 08:30–09:30 Room 5.A

212.1 / Current systemic treatments for non-resectable cholangiocarcinoma - M. Machado

212.2 / Local treatments for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma -O. van Delden

212.3 / Percutaneous ablation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma - U. Pua

212.6 / The role of locoregional therapies in the first line - M. Burgmans

FS 222 – New developments in IO 10:00–11:00 Auditorium 6

222.2 / Thermochemical ablation - E. Cressman

222.3 / Histotripsy - M. Mendiratta-lala

SP 266 – Ablation of metastatic CRC and liver tumors: techniques and outcomes 16:15–17:15 Auditorium 6

266.1 / Registration accuracy of deformable image registration methods for quantification of minimum ablation margin during image-guided liver ablations - a comparative study - J. Hong

266.2 / Optimization of colorectal liver metastases ablation through real-time metabolic imaging stereotactic margin assessment and confirmatory biopsies; allowing for immediate retreatment: a single-center prospective study - P. Dimopoylos

266.3 / Electrochemotherapy of peri-hilar liver tumors : long time follow-up from a single institution case series - L. Tarantino

266.4 / Preliminary results of real time monitored IRE device for liver ablation: a single center cohort - P. Beunon

266.5 / Microwave ablation of colorectal pulmonary metastases offers excellent local tumor control and prolongs time off chemotherapy - V. Sotirchos

266.6 / Surgery versus thermal ablation for small-size colorectal liver metastases (COLLISION): a randomized, international, multicenter, phase III trial - M. Meijerink

266.7 / Local treatment of colorectal liver metastases in the presence of extrahepatic disease: survival outcomes from the Amsterdam Colorectal Liver Met Registry (AmCORE) - H. Schulz

SP 275 – Bone, spine and soft tissues 17:30–18:30 Room 1.15

275.3 / Safety and efficacy of electrochemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic bone disease - N. Papalexis

275.4 / Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in patients with suspected osteoidosteoma undergoing CT-guided radiofrequency ablation - G. Pöhler


Monday September 16th

CEC 313 – MSK IO: what's new - 8:30-9:30 Auditorium 8 

313.1 / Heat-based thermal ablation of osseous malignancy -C. Pusceddu

313.2 / Cryoablation of musculoskeletal tumours - G. Tsoumakidou

313.3 / Electrochemotherapy in the spine - F. Deschamps

313.4 / Extraspinal electrochemotherapy - R. Cazzato

313.6 / Techniques to avoid complications - A. Kelekis

 SPH 327 – Current AI applications in interventional radiology - 10:00-11:00 SPHAIRE Stage

SPH 327.5 / Leading the future of interventional oncology: innovations in stereotactic CT-guided tumor ablation – B. Eigl

FS 331 – Recent epidemiological trends in HCC and iCC: implications for treatment 11:30-12:30 Auditorium 8

331.1 / Global epidemiological trends - S. Khan

331.2 / Ablation versus surgery: the start of a new debate? - R. Iezzi

CEC 363 – Renal cell carcinoma 16:15–17:15 Auditorium 7

363.1 / What do the guidelines tell us? - C. Georgiades

363.2 / Biopsy: when and how

363.3 / Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy - F. Villacampa

363.4 / Percutaneous ablation for T1a - M. Krokidis

363.5 / Percutaneous ablation for T1b - T. Wah

363.6 / Registries and trials - P. Laeseke

CBD 323 – MSK IO: challenging cases 10:00–11:00 Room 5.A

323.1 / Spine augmentation - S. Marcia

323.2 / Spine ablation - J. Jennings

323.3 / Peripheral skeleton ablation - R. Cazzato

323.4 / Desmoid - M. Ahmed

HDT-TA 36.4 – Tumour ablation: Planning, robotics, monitoring and assessment for ablation - 16:15–17:45 (Europe/Lisbon)

Come see innovative devices, including CAS-One IR for a more comprehensive overview

CBD 373 – Challenging ablation in renal cell carcinoma 17:30–18:30 Room 5.B

373.1 / Challenging locations: upper renal pole - G. Carrafiello

373.2 / Challenging locations: central endophytic - R. Arellano

373.3 / Solitary kidney - D. Filippiadis

373.4 / Chronic renal disease - C. Georgiades


Tuesday Sept 17th

CEC 413 – CRC liver metastatic disease - 8:30–9:30 Auditorium 8

           413.4 / Stereotactic ablation - R. Bale

          413.6 / Resectability and ablatability criteria - M. Meijerink

FS 423 – Local treatments for pancreatic cancer - 10:00–11:00 (Europe/Lisbon) -Auditorium 8

423.1 / Pulsed electrical fields - R. Inchingolo

423.2 / Thermal ablation - K. van Lienden

CEC 433 – Building an ablation practice - 11:30–12:30 Auditorium 8

433.1 / Thyroid - B. Çekiç

433.2 / Breast - E. de Kerviler

433.3 / Lung - D. Dupuy

433.4 / Pancreas - G. Narayanan

433.5 / RCC - S. Solomon

433.6 / Prostate - V. Ramalingam

433.7 / Panel discussion

FS 435 – Artificial intelligence for interventional radiology 11:30–12:30 Room 5.A

435.1 / AI basics: what the IR should know - B. Meyer

435.2 / Radiomics 2.0: how to increase clinical translation in IR settings - N. Papanikolaou

435.3 / AI in patient selection and treatment planning in interventional radiology - J. Chapiro

435.4 / AI in clinical and imaging follow-up in interventional radiology - F. Gómez Muñoz


Wednesday September 18th

CBD 512 – Complications and follow-up imaging after percutaneous ablation - 8:30–9:30 Auditorium 8

512.1 / After lung ablation - A. Najafi

512.2 / After liver ablation - C. Sofocleous

512.3 / After kidney ablation - P. Torcia

512.4 / After bone and soft-tissue ablation - A. Kurup