The ablation aficionados guide to CIRSE 2024
CIRSE is a large, comprehensive 4.5 day event. While topics covering Interventional Oncology are not typically the main focus, they are still very present. The CAS-One IR team will also be very present, and we highlight below, what we believe is most relevant for ablation aficionados.
In our heavily-biased opinion, the most exciting event at CIRSE 2024 is the launch of CAS-One IR 4.2 software. This new release brings many new things, but the major features are a lesion-based workflow, enhanced multi-needle capabilities, a reablation workflow, and an even more powerful AI-Driven AblaSure. You can see our landing page for more details
At our booth you can see the new software, and also take part in this year’s CAS-One IR AI Challenge. In the first edition, we had over 45 participants from 11 countries, over 5 congresses. The overall winner was Dr. Ádám Zoltán Farkas (Budapest, HU), who now has helped designed this years challenge. Come by and compete for a prize.
SPHAIRE is a new addition this year to the scientific agenda. A separate stage to speak about all things AI. CAS-One IR’s industry leading AI technology has been accepted for a podium presentation.
On Monday Sept. 16th, we are hosting our own scientific dinner and after party. At the beautiful Monte Mar restaurant, we have 3 speakers highlighting Kidney Ablation with CAS-One IR, the need for AI-Driven AblaSure, and other topics.
Three posters featuring CAS-One IR have also been accepted, including the first experience from over 100 tumors treated at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas:
P-768 - Stereotactic navigated electrochemotherapy for a treatment of a non-resectable/non-thermal treatable liver metastasis - M. Doppler (Freiburg, DE)
P-434 / Initial experience from stereotactic thermal ablation for liver tumors in a large academic center in the United States - I.Paolucci / B. Odisio (Houston, USA)
P-745 / Microwave ablation of a HCC in a challenging location adjacent to the portal vein and inferior vena cava - V. Mayr (Regensburg, DE)
Finally, we will participate in one of the hands-on session, also indicated in the day-by day ablation-aficionado’s scientific agenda.
Now, for the complete scientific highlights:
Saturday September 14th
FS 123 – HCC: open questions 10:00–11:00 Auditorium 8
123.1 / BCLC or no BCLC? - A. Vitale
123.2 / When to stop downstaging HCC to transplant - E. Bozzi
FS 133 – HCC: when one therapy is not enough 11:30–12:30 Room 5.A
133.2 / Ablation plus TACE: are we ready for standardization? - M. Burgmans
WS 163 – Reliability in percutaneous tumour ablation 16:15–17:15 Room 5.B
163.2 / Predictive software for percutaneous ablations - B. Odisio
SP 177 – Ablation of kidney tumors: techniques and outcomes 17:30–18:30 Room 3.B
177.1 / SAFE final results: prospective evaluation of robotic-assisted percutaneous abdominal thermal ablation - B. Bonnet
177.2 / Thermal ablation of renal tumors: a first robotic-assisted series - C. Pernet
177.3 / A retrospective analysis of achieving "Trifecta" outcomes in percutaneous cryoablation of T1b renal masses in 50 patients. A 4 year single center experience - E. Petsatodis
177.4 / MulticentRe rEal World outcomes of IrReversible Electroporation for small kiDney cancers (REWIRED) - V. Chan
177.5 / Comparison between microwave vs. radiofrequency ablation for small renal masses: perioperative and oncological outcomes - C. Pizzi
177.6 / Outcomes of renal function following thermal ablation of renal cell carcinoma -M. Moreton-Smith
177.7 / Percutaneous microwave ablation of complex cystic renal masses- R. Arellano
Sunday September 15th
CEC 212 – Cholangiocarcinoma 08:30–09:30 Room 5.A
212.1 / Current systemic treatments for non-resectable cholangiocarcinoma - M. Machado
212.2 / Local treatments for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma -O. van Delden
212.3 / Percutaneous ablation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma - U. Pua
212.6 / The role of locoregional therapies in the first line - M. Burgmans
FS 222 – New developments in IO 10:00–11:00 Auditorium 6
222.2 / Thermochemical ablation - E. Cressman
222.3 / Histotripsy - M. Mendiratta-lala
SP 266 – Ablation of metastatic CRC and liver tumors: techniques and outcomes 16:15–17:15 Auditorium 6
266.1 / Registration accuracy of deformable image registration methods for quantification of minimum ablation margin during image-guided liver ablations - a comparative study - J. Hong
266.2 / Optimization of colorectal liver metastases ablation through real-time metabolic imaging stereotactic margin assessment and confirmatory biopsies; allowing for immediate retreatment: a single-center prospective study - P. Dimopoylos
266.3 / Electrochemotherapy of peri-hilar liver tumors : long time follow-up from a single institution case series - L. Tarantino
266.4 / Preliminary results of real time monitored IRE device for liver ablation: a single center cohort - P. Beunon
266.5 / Microwave ablation of colorectal pulmonary metastases offers excellent local tumor control and prolongs time off chemotherapy - V. Sotirchos
266.6 / Surgery versus thermal ablation for small-size colorectal liver metastases (COLLISION): a randomized, international, multicenter, phase III trial - M. Meijerink
266.7 / Local treatment of colorectal liver metastases in the presence of extrahepatic disease: survival outcomes from the Amsterdam Colorectal Liver Met Registry (AmCORE) - H. Schulz
SP 275 – Bone, spine and soft tissues 17:30–18:30 Room 1.15
275.3 / Safety and efficacy of electrochemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic bone disease - N. Papalexis
275.4 / Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in patients with suspected osteoidosteoma undergoing CT-guided radiofrequency ablation - G. Pöhler
Monday September 16th
CEC 313 – MSK IO: what's new - 8:30-9:30 Auditorium 8
313.1 / Heat-based thermal ablation of osseous malignancy -C. Pusceddu
313.2 / Cryoablation of musculoskeletal tumours - G. Tsoumakidou
313.3 / Electrochemotherapy in the spine - F. Deschamps
313.4 / Extraspinal electrochemotherapy - R. Cazzato
313.6 / Techniques to avoid complications - A. Kelekis
SPH 327 – Current AI applications in interventional radiology - 10:00-11:00 SPHAIRE Stage
SPH 327.5 / Leading the future of interventional oncology: innovations in stereotactic CT-guided tumor ablation – B. Eigl
FS 331 – Recent epidemiological trends in HCC and iCC: implications for treatment 11:30-12:30 Auditorium 8
331.1 / Global epidemiological trends - S. Khan
331.2 / Ablation versus surgery: the start of a new debate? - R. Iezzi
CEC 363 – Renal cell carcinoma 16:15–17:15 Auditorium 7
363.1 / What do the guidelines tell us? - C. Georgiades
363.2 / Biopsy: when and how
363.3 / Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy - F. Villacampa
363.4 / Percutaneous ablation for T1a - M. Krokidis
363.5 / Percutaneous ablation for T1b - T. Wah
363.6 / Registries and trials - P. Laeseke
CBD 323 – MSK IO: challenging cases 10:00–11:00 Room 5.A
323.1 / Spine augmentation - S. Marcia
323.2 / Spine ablation - J. Jennings
323.3 / Peripheral skeleton ablation - R. Cazzato
323.4 / Desmoid - M. Ahmed
HDT-TA 36.4 – Tumour ablation: Planning, robotics, monitoring and assessment for ablation - 16:15–17:45 (Europe/Lisbon)
Come see innovative devices, including CAS-One IR for a more comprehensive overview
CBD 373 – Challenging ablation in renal cell carcinoma 17:30–18:30 Room 5.B
373.1 / Challenging locations: upper renal pole - G. Carrafiello
373.2 / Challenging locations: central endophytic - R. Arellano
373.3 / Solitary kidney - D. Filippiadis
373.4 / Chronic renal disease - C. Georgiades
Tuesday Sept 17th
CEC 413 – CRC liver metastatic disease - 8:30–9:30 Auditorium 8
413.4 / Stereotactic ablation - R. Bale
413.6 / Resectability and ablatability criteria - M. Meijerink
FS 423 – Local treatments for pancreatic cancer - 10:00–11:00 (Europe/Lisbon) -Auditorium 8
423.1 / Pulsed electrical fields - R. Inchingolo
423.2 / Thermal ablation - K. van Lienden
CEC 433 – Building an ablation practice - 11:30–12:30 Auditorium 8
433.1 / Thyroid - B. Çekiç
433.2 / Breast - E. de Kerviler
433.3 / Lung - D. Dupuy
433.4 / Pancreas - G. Narayanan
433.5 / RCC - S. Solomon
433.6 / Prostate - V. Ramalingam
433.7 / Panel discussion
FS 435 – Artificial intelligence for interventional radiology 11:30–12:30 Room 5.A
435.1 / AI basics: what the IR should know - B. Meyer
435.2 / Radiomics 2.0: how to increase clinical translation in IR settings - N. Papanikolaou
435.3 / AI in patient selection and treatment planning in interventional radiology - J. Chapiro
435.4 / AI in clinical and imaging follow-up in interventional radiology - F. Gómez Muñoz
Wednesday September 18th
CBD 512 – Complications and follow-up imaging after percutaneous ablation - 8:30–9:30 Auditorium 8
512.1 / After lung ablation - A. Najafi
512.2 / After liver ablation - C. Sofocleous
512.3 / After kidney ablation - P. Torcia
512.4 / After bone and soft-tissue ablation - A. Kurup